
Got Any Extra To Bet

I have a $100 that says tea baggers were involved with this. Low-life inbred stupid white trash beings who still live in caves that get drunk on fux whore news swill and come out and do shit like this and call themselves patriots.

And the problem is the rest of the baggers go along with it and what is really sick the repugs for the most part won't say shit about it because this party of hate and lies agrees.

There is a battle looming in our future. A real one with no holds barred.


  1. The area from southern Maryland on the east and southern Illinois on the west and to the gulf is still fighting the Civil War. The attitude these people are jus batshit crazy having a nigger in the White House. The word rabid comes to mind. Do you notice a predominance of politicians from this area on Fox News and other msm places promoting the hate for our President? These people "HATE" his election and "HATE" the the rest of the country's views on politics and religion, although there are pockets in other states the share portions of their thoughts like Utah Mormons and much smaller groups in some northern states. Damn you Bachman! I doubt they will bring our country to anarchy but will continue to drag down the level of saneness in national debate on may issues.

  2. No doubt about it Russ. I feel bad for Jimmy.

  3. Jimmeh wasn't a great Preznit, but he's always been a decent man. These teabagger motherfuckers, on the other hand -- they make me ashamed to be from the South. The most racist bigoted assholes on the planet.

    - Badtux the Southern Penguin

  4. Hmm. Maybe they should spend a bit of time reading Prince Siddartha:

    “Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”

    There's a lot of ugly out there in America right now, and our politicians are more inclined to exploit it than to try to ameliorate it.

  5. The fracture or fault line in this is still state's rights versus federal law and Constitutional construction. Where the rubber hits the road the zealots of bigotry and hate use the hanging rope to make a point. Horror stories abound about this behaviour but it couldn't and wouldn't happen without the " wink, wink, nod, nod" of local law enforcement. Ignorance seems to be carrying the day in the Republican party; watch out, America.
