
Nobody Is Doing This

But fucktard state rep Rep. Shit Limehouse from South Carolina thinks otherwise.

A South Carolina lawmaker plans to introduce a bill that would make it a felony to threaten violence against military members or their families because they are serving their country.

I read this thing three times and still could not understand the rational behind it. Makes me happy I grew up in that cornfield rather than where this guy grew up. Sheez.

I'm back to the real world. Have a good one everybody.


  1. A politician just can't wave a flag too hard. Nobody is doing this: " Patriotism is the last vestige of a scoundrel." It just fits this jackass perfectly.

  2. Another South Carolinian making a complete idiot of himself to pander to his base.

  3. I want a law making it illegal to ride a lion down Main Street. It's a growing problem that we need a law to stop RIGHT NOW!

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
