
Mormons Humping Focus On Da Fambly

Crying picked on and that religious nutters never get their way.

Against that Niagara of dramatic persuasion for one side comes the trickle of one single ad arguing against abortion, and suddenly the left worries about respect?

Such respect for life except for those poor sods you hired Indians to kill back in the 1800's. When they refused to kill the innocents you deranged slugs dressed up like them and killed the rest yourselves and refuse to talk about it.

Don't try to shit yourselves - the same mentality is in force today. In between molesting teenys and trying to mind fuck people all over the place I'm surprised you have time to watch the super bull with all the bad shit going on in the ads.

A bunch of hypocritical sick fucks pass all!


  1. I read that Focus On The Family laid off 247 people because funding was down, yet they can afford to pay almost $3 million for a 30 second spot in the Super Bowl, which nobody will watch because they are taking a leak.

  2. I don't know how it is nowadays, Holte Ender, but there was a time when the commercials during the Super Bowl were more entertaining than the game. It's possible that more folks will be paying attention during the commercial breaks.

    Not that it changes my opinion of FOTF all that much.
