
The Other Side

Here at OTC it's very easy to kick others around call them deserved names and the like as there are so many and they do need to be called out for for their obvious dastardly deeds on a continual basis.

Then there are the other kind of stuff - posts about things that have happened which are fun or interesting that provide a lot entertainment for me because it does get old at times kicking low life fat ass day in and day out. Fact is the fun stuff is far and few when it's winter.

Want to say here that every once in a while interaction with other people is so special. It happened twice while in Arizona recently with two clerks that were so very nice to me when they did not really need to be and it stuck out let me tell you. Thank you for the smiles men!!

Then this last weekend witnessed a interaction between a little girl and her father that I was sort of part of that was so sweet that times like that as well give me hope that the problems we face can be overcome and we all can be better off for it.

Have a good one friends! OF


  1. These days, with so many crises besetting us, it's wonderful to be reminded of good things from time to time. Thank you.

  2. Yes. I've had to cut way back on reading blogs recently - it was really making my attitude more shitty than usual. My comment calling a posted picture of a lovely B-17G a 24 is one example of how screwed up my mind had gotten.
    Nice pic of the B-36 wing (I think) today.
    It was a most pleasant surprise to read your post today - and thanks for sending the other pics.
    Stay warm, OF.

  3. Life always hangs on threads. The life source needs surprisingly little nourishement to survive; a pinch more to thrive. I think your father has some pictures that speaks volumes to this.

  4. Thanks for the chuckle jeg and the compliment. It was a pleasure sending you those photos. OF
