
Poop Benny Ratzenberger Forgives

Benny the Rat met on Wednesday with the woman who knocked him over and he forgave her, the Vatican said. He then went on and asked the women how many young sons she has.

Why is this "news'? So media can give credibility to a man and a belief system that is flawed in more than one way and continually look the other way to the Catholics issue of priest's that rape boys that continues to this day because the Rat does not remove the rapers but moves them to another area where they continue their hideous practice.

No this is not respectful nor should it be.

As a pecker head blogger with a little piss ant site just want to point out this man/this church does not get a pass here for the atrocities it is guilty of because he forgave somebody.



  1. I am a catholic but the Catholic church has much worse in its old Closet than perverted priests!

  2. For writing this please due some genuflections in front of the TEE VEE, tonite. Oh, you don't watch the Idiot Box? Forget about it.

  3. Screw the old Nazi. There's never been a Pope in my lifetime who I felt disrespect for, until now.

    On an utterly unrelated note, just wanted to mention that I love the pictures of the B-36. Did you take those down at Pima?

  4. Yes it was taken there Cujo. One of the few and I mean few highlights of that little trip. The others were a couple surprise good meals and this old mission just outside of Nogales. Many of those pictures are really decent. What about all the killings in Mexico just the other day. 69 or more.
