
Where OTC Will NOT Be Shopping

It always cracked me up when ordinary people who advertise at the end add something about being a very special human being different than me and implying better because they are "Christian".

That's real nice but the fact is I'm nicer than you and that's because I don't feel the need to let everyone know just how nice and special I really am ya see dere! Now there's the Christian Business Directory.


  1. I saw in the article that liquor stores and medical marijuana outlets are not the directory.

    Well I hope that the Christian plumber that these kooks choose is a good one, or they will up to their necks in shite.

  2. A-F'ing men One Fly. I am one of the few openly Christian lefties in these parts but that doesn't mean I'm a mindless idiot. I will never do business with anyone that says or implies, "Buy from me cause I'm a Christian." I'll buy from the atheist in a turban and Bin Laden beard before I would do business with blasphemous assholes that usr religion as an advertising gimmick.

  3. wasn't there somethng in the bible about Jesus tossing the money changers out of the temple? hmmm...

  4. I've dealt with these folks for 30+ years. One time, I (Ahem) prayed with a couple for 5 minutes to see if the cloud guy would send them a sign to buy the car. Made a nice commission,too. Thankya', Jesus. Now that's something you can bank on. As cousin Mel says, "The poorest return on investment in the history of the world is prayer." Ouch!!!

  5. the sad thing is there was a time when religious affiliation was more about socialist views and helping your neighbor. The advent of TV preachers has had the same effect on religion as that of getting a loan from someone on TV like Quicken or Countyside and the end result for religion will be the same, FAIL
