
Ramping Up For The Biggy On Sunday

After a getaway from all the political nonsense close to two weeks worth I have yet to read much on politics and am unclear if and when I will.

But I do know this Sunday is Easter a major event for many who believe in the impossible and bizarre but don't believe they need to call out the priests who rape their children.

The lead up to the finale starts on Thursday night with rituals performed that rival any around the world. As an alter boy it was up close and personal.

Then the afternoon on Friday that became excruciating with what seemed like endless bullshit of nonsensical words that meant nothing to me ever.

Never had to do the Saturday bs as even my parents knew a kid can take only so much.

Finally after Sundays event it was back to a bit of normality but the damage had been done after a month of major mumbo jumbo religious insanity.


  1. That is a great picture. That looks like a buffalo on the run on the lower left. Where and what is that?

  2. you know you taking off the other day right as the health care thing was coming to a conclusion gave me thought that just walking away and doing something else for a change might be a good thing and I now believe that less attention to the lunatics and more attention to enjoying life and the actions that can provide a distraction from all of the crazy that occurs daily around the world is a good thing to do. You know, shit happens and disecting the shit is most likely not healthy. There's gonna be disasters, death, sickness and a raft of woe every day and commenting and parsing the woes of the world is a tiring job and really produces nothing but angst for us as commenters and posters. Been a long winter, ya think? Time to get outside and drive around and enjoy. Now, where are all the pics?

  3. I was one of the lucky ones growing up NOT CATHOLIC!! My dad was a little fanatical when it came to his search for the TRUTH, even had us doing 7th day adventist stuff for awhile and doing away with all pagan holidays including Christmas. My younger siblings only had maybe 5 Christmas's their whole childhood! See what religious fanaticism can do to people?? Sad isn't it!

  4. As a ex-Altar boy myself, went through the Maundy Thursday feet washing, the scary Good Friday 3 O'clock Mass, the ringy-dingy Midnight Mass on Saturday, and then, as you said, back to normal. Whatever that was.

  5. I grew up in the Episcopal Church. Pretty much the same regimen. Only our priests don't do little boys. They do women - usually wives.

  6. I'm glad I'm not religious where I would have to celebrate Easter. I love this post. Kudos.

  7. Jim-what a great observation! Never saw it. It's Peek a Boo Canyon in Grand Staircase Escalante.

    Russ-Nicely put. I'm not sure what I'll post. Not stopping just don't know what it will be or when. I will post pictures later in the week and I'll send you a few as well. Working here when I get home trying to make this place a bit more better.

    Sue-you were lucky. I'm not sure what it was but I knew real something wasn't right. if it weren't for that they would of had me.

    Everybody thank you for your thoughts. Every comment was so good!

    It's late-gotta go.

  8. Since I'm protestant I have not comment on how the Catholics celebrate this holiday, but they are going to have to clean up their act or it do more damage than Martin Luther of John Calvin ever did.
