
Another Blog

Since there's more satisfaction playing around with pictures than blogging about politics and the others who are so different than me it's time to have a place to put a few more pictures up. Not on a daily basis probably but whenever. Not always the best ones and maybe it might be one of the worst ones if there's something there that's interesting. We'll see

Calling it One Fly's Picture Place. Got a better name spit it out. Got an idea for a particular type of picture like to hear that as well.

I see unlike this site when you save the big file they are maybe in the neighborhood of a couple hundred kb. The ones at the new place are smaller than that and don't know why. You are welcome to these and all I ask is that if you should use them give the old boy a little pat on the back. That would be nice. If you should want one in the original file size I can send it to you.

I'm thinking these posts of photos will be of a series. Like the dragonfly's. You betcha.


  1. Sounds great Onefly! Your pictures are incredible. I lived in Colorado as a wee little girl, it's breathtaking, I look forward to the pictures!

  2. I honestly can not wait. Your photography is amazing.

  3. You are too kind and I thank you girls for that. If you two would be the only ones to look at these that would be worth it to me.

    Yes every once in a while there's one that comes along that really stands out.

    But I tell you it's getting bad out. I'm like a dog after a ball-all I think about and look for is a picture. If only I was 10 years old.

  4. It's not coming back any more than our false economy or Dow 14000 for all its lies. i am at least happy building in the mountains will slow. It was so beautiful in the 70's!
