
Yea-Real Estate Is In The Shitter Here In The Colorado Mountains

I have so many thoughts on this I'm unable to even begin.

"I sat here — happy and content in my little home — and watched all these big boys play with money, and I saw how greedy everyone got, selling and going bigger and selling and going bigger. Now I'm getting punished along with the rest of them,"

Here prices have come down a bit and a few things have moved -more high end than other. They still think "she's coming back". My ass!

I'm so pissed off not only about here but where ever these agents, lending company's and especially the whore appraisers and how they artificially inflated property values because they are nothing but cheap low life real estate whores-sonsofbitches pass all!!

These figures are dramatic and the article contains a lot of info.


  1. whenever there's a bubble, the working class always ends up on the invoice end, holding the debt and being labeled irresponsible by the very people who marketed the financial delusions to them.... whether it be housing or one of the many varieties of stock market swindles, we're the ones who end up shouldering the debt (even if the government eats it, that's still our tax money)...

    we're gonna need better laws on general predatory business practices... that or it's this terrible economic series of cycles all the way down the historic dookie drain

    one struggle,
    --the rev
