
LTFO In Maricopa County Arizona Today

I feel sorry for the innocents when Nazi bastard Arpaio launches his latest crime and immigration sweep.

Arpaio says he will focus on high-crime areas and target immigrant smugglers and the drop houses where they hide their customers.

Yea look the fuck out down there. This piece of human shit may be fooling the stupids but make no mistake about this.

Armed with gestapo like tools there will be abuses that will rival what the SS did decades ago.

Take it to the bank!


  1. I have been in the midst of one of his round ups. The town where our store is located, is about 13 square miles. He had the contract to patrol, and act as law enforcement. The city had so many complaints and law suits that the town did not redo his contract. On the last night of his contract, he brought in 100 deputies, along with his civilian volunteer [posse]. Along with buses, booking trailers, and a helicopter. He harassed peoples businesses, knocked on peoples doors, and had his officers drive around non-stop. People stayed in their houses with the lights, and tvs off till they left. [sound familiar]? Do not believe the law and order hype. his guys pull over people on bicycles, walking down the street. He is under major investigations, so we shall see.
    Thanks for posting this. We in Az. need all the help we can get.

    If this is not stopped here and now. It will come to Colorado, or the rest of AMERICA. THIS MUST BE STOPPED.

  2. Arpaio, ain't that a foreign name? Are his papers in order?

  3. Are we in for another night of broken glass?

  4. P M: Our Kristallnacht has been brewing for a long time.
    WHO is next?
    Land of the chained. home of the captured.
