
You Just Took It Up The Yang Yang Again

Another one we should have got and were never going to.

Anyone think we're going to get anything different from these same men is thinking a delusion.

It's real simple and clear about this separation between government and religion. Plus this is my land and I do not want to see religious symbols on my property.

Wait till later kiddies the best is yet to come.

Count on it.


  1. Oddly enough- if it were a synagogue being proposed or a mosque- people would pissing their pants in fury!
    It should be either all or nothing, not just the "pretty Anglo-Saxon" symbols. And since religion has NO place in government, no should people feel it's mandatory- I vote nothing.

  2. The cross was meant to be a War Memorial for WWI vets. It was there for almost 70 years until anyone had a problem with it. I'm sure you will all get over this soon.

  3. yo there cp-anybody ever tell ya there is no finger snapper in the sky that people like you are living a delusion.
