
Bullwinkle's Plenty

These animals remain a novelty to me and even after today I still do not have any really good pictures of these interesting creatures. I hardly have a decent picture to show you even though I was fairly close and the video isn't something to brag about either.

I saw these guys coming and ducked into some cover thinking they would pass in front for some very close pictures but instead they passed behind me not very far away at all maybe a 100' max. Didn't hear or see them so I got off to a bad start and they cover a lot of ground quickly.

Still want to share these and I will somehow eventually get some quality photos of the fellows.


  1. I've only seen moose while hiking Isle Royale National Park (in Lake Superior).

  2. When I lived in central Vermont, Waitsfield, I had several Moose living on the back side of Camels Hump and in the summer they would come down to the marsh lands along Rte 100. I seen one walk out of the water, across the highway and up a 25% grade slope without never breaking stride or speed, amazing.

  3. recommendation: go to alaska!
    on long-ago trip, wife & i came close to hitting moose with car on more than one occasion...
    ... of course, we were doing our usual "let's get lost without maps or gps" routine, so these encounters were mostly on dirt roads in heavily wooded areas... but the moose were NOT shy!

  4. No pictures of the flying squirrel?

  5. We got Rocky up close and personal. He was busy today.
