
This Time It's Not A Boy Being Molested

Once again Benny the Rat's church shows its true colors. From Susan Greene of the Denver Post.

These kind of actions never go away but when you're in the business of selling hypocrisy I guess it's just another day at the office.


  1. The funny thing is, although the Bible is clear on the subject of male homosexuality, I'm not sure it mentions lesbianism anywhere.

    For that matter, what Leviticus condemns is "If a man lies with a man," etc. So strictly speaking that may not condemn pedophilia, since an altar boy isn't a "man". A convenient religion.

  2. The Catholic church turned out to be quit a disappointment. Is it something about catholic priests? I don't recall hearing this about other religions.

  3. It sure is Infidel. Thanks for stopping by.

    Supposed to golf with a Father Taco at least that's his nickname. He's a real priest and I will try to be nice.
