
It's True-Mowed Weeds Look Better Than Non Mowed Weeds

This is the third time this year to clean the place up. Last year that was the total. Not sure what to make of that. Back at the other place blew snow 13 times and the following year once again three. I thinking two more times yet here.

And it does look better for awhile anyway. We don't spray for the poor man's favorite flower because it's real tough on the birds.
This is what's going on underneath that machine you push or ride around at your place.

 We save the real effort to keeping a hundred or so acres of this looking real damn nice. You betcha!


  1. You got your work cut out for you brother. Me being in the desert. It sure is nice to see all that green. lol

  2. That green grass looks beautiful! My lawn looks horrific this year, no rain, lots of clover, lots of weeds and dry dry dry!!!

  3. Cactus have an equal attraction for me RZ and Sue just keep 'em at bay and soon it will get hot and they'll slow down a whole bunch.

  4. ... the other option (other than mowing) is to make little signs and LABEL all the weeds.
    this makes it look like you're the proprietor of a botanical garden (not a weed patch).

  5. lovely one fly, lovely eye candy.

  6. Your place is just lovely. And I love your header! I plan on taking some time and looking your blog over soon. Right now we are culitvating and still irigating. So maybe Tuesday I can get space and look at what's happening in your neck of the woods.

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting. It's always nice to meet people.

    Since I haven't checked do you have lots of Rock Art close to you?


  7. That's about as pretty a picture as I've seen. What is it being mowed with?

  8. These Tim and the rest of you are way too nice. Take a bit and go look at Day Photo's place it's fun.

    Was at work the last two days at 5:30 and it's about ten now. I'm gonna run down to the river even though there's one right behind where I live to see if I can catch a fish. We're talking the Colorado river and it may not be fishable.

    Have a fun day everyone!! OF.
