
Screw Vail Colorado

These guys believe they are very special like many here as well.

This town has voted to ban medical marijuana dispensaries from ever operating within the popular skiing destination.

I think if people around the country wished to make a statement they easily could do so here.

Why-because dispensaries would contradict with the image they've tried to set for the town.

With a mind set like that which includes some of the richest in the world I can't think of a better reason not to spend a penny in a place like this. I won't.

We have two medical marijuana dispensaries here in ski town USA and no one is getting hurt and the tourists will keep coming.

The image of what people want in this country you simple fucktards is legalization. But no you take the position of the high and mighty and lifestyle of the stupids who have so much more than the rest of us that you feel the need to flaunt that for your own design on what your world should be.

The image you want is not the reality of the world these days and I say people who ski should choose a different destination where the locals who make the decisions are not living in the dark ages of repression and incarceration.


  1. People who use med MJ are not the TYPE of people the leaders in Vail want around the valley. Vail, over priced, over rated and just so over as far as I'm concerned. I'll take A Basin any day, Vail, not so much.

  2. Intolerance is high on their list of what is desirable for their town and their self image!?! Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

  3. In a town where women walk around in designer boots and jeans, dead animals on their backs, big diamonds on their fingers and in their ears, and enough make-up on that if someone threw them against a wall, they'd stick? Hell no they don't want marijuana. They want to get back to their chalet for a little coke.

  4. hey great line Leslie!

    It's all about the status symbols for some, never mind the sick and needy.

  5. And if it's like elected republicans and religious crazy's it's the town council in the wonderful hamlet of Vail doing the toot.

  6. Why make it easy when there's so much more to be made from keeping it illegal.
