
Go Broke Like The News Did

The "Rocky" shit the bed a bit over a year ago. We might be better off with them than the Denver Whore Post. I might look at it and I do link to articles but they'll never see a dime from me.

We all know who this sorry sack of shit Ted Haggard is. Gay meth using  liar big time preacher gone bad and then got caught. That guy. Since then he's been covered many times in print and da TV. 

Today the Denver Post has him and his I'm sure dysfunctional family plastered all over the front page of their ass wipe newspaper cuz he's starting a new church. So fucking what!

This sorry fuck has about as much credibility as the loser of a shit eating contest but here he is.

No matter where or in what form it may be found just another reason why as a society we are so stupid. Very fucking stupid. 

Just this January the Post files for chapter 11. At least that what it says here.

Bring it on.

Sheez-I just despise what passes as news a lot of the time.


  1. NO! We as a society are not stupid. There is a minority in America that is uneducated and have local myopic view and opinions and are given an innordinent voice and airtime on tv and in print because their "opinions" are so illogical that numerous headlines can be drawn from their uneducated, hence "stupid", opinions and the media feeds on sensationalism to fill the airtime and the above the fold space between advertisements [profit].

    Logic will prevail, always does.

  2. Won't argue against this Russ but I think the minority is much bigger than that. Maybe in the future we can discuss how logic prevails when we're golfing.
