
Art On The Rocks

Did this two weeks ago. Fun trip and these things were impressive. I was around this area (one way in one way out) for five hours or so and on the way out saw a car.

Cross posted @ Fly's Picture Place


  1. I would have thought that there would have been some type of security fence around it.
    Do these places ever get vandalized?

  2. You can see the gun shots. Fences are impratical. At Chaco and other places they have severely limited where you can go from not that long ago. I'm glad it's not worse than it is.

  3. One fly your so lucky. I have a pretty good camera but as of yet I've not taken to many pictures. Pictures of the Country Ghetto I live has no redeeming value. LOL
    Nice stuff keep going....

  4. Thanks Tim and thee are pictures out there - they just have to be found.

  5. Great stuff Mr. Fly. Fabulous.

  6. Thank you Holte I'm glad you liked this.
