
Calling Bull Shit On The 13 Suicide Bombers

No-I do not believe that 13 Afghanny's  killed were all suicide bombers. Not for a second.

Afghan and coalition soldiers killed more than 30 insurgents, including 13 would-be suicide bombers, as they fought off assaults on two military bases and government buildings in eastern Afghanistan, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said on Sunday. Bull shit there too-that's us saying this shit. We're the main players here fuckers.

They may have killed 30 or what have you but I stand by the bull shit because they do not send suicider's out to be killed like this. They haven't before and they didn't do it this time. This is propafuckingganda!

One thing for sure is that seven more of ours got knocked off this morning and that's 14 for the weekend and for fucking what America??.


  1. Probably-no matter what these 14 will never use theirs and there are loved ones across the land who mourn and many others to come who will do the same as we love our wars with the death and bloodletting so we they will never say no to sending their children off to be killed for ---well nobody has really explained that too well now have they.

  2. If we had a draft, we wouldn't have these wars.

  3. Wasn't it Rangel a few years ago presented that idea in congress to draw attention to just that. Of course nothing changed.
