
Glenn Beck supports organized labor?

Glenn Beck and his followers have certainly not done much research. Attaching themselves to MLK means they are celebrating the life of a man who fought for many things, including organized labor, didn't realize Beck was such a fan, his boss, Rupert Murdoch certainly isn't.

On March 29,1968,King went to Memphis,Tennessee in support of the black sanitary public works employees,represented by AFSCME Local 1733, who had been on strike since March 12 for higher wages and better treatment. In one incident, black street repairmen received pay for two hours when they were sent home because of bad weather, but white employees were paid for the full day

Dr. King was assassinated a few days later.


  1. Beck is a Klan Klown. He's stiring up the stupid and getting a handsome paycheck for doing it.

    I don't believe the man believes half of what he says.

  2. Just watched a bit of the Beck-A-Looza on Cspan and I had to keep asking myself, What the point of all this? Typical T bag'r crowd, middle age on up to retired people with their lawn chairs and 'merican flags at one point there were more black people on the stage than in the crowd which I guess was 10,000. Bussed in by the Koch's.

  3. I saw that too and thought I clicked on the wrong icon and got the other one by mistake. Couldn't stand it long enough to see the actual crowds. At times I'm so close to dropping out I tell you. This shit is very hard to take given all the circumstances.

    Thanks Holte.
