
How Much

I don't know about where you live but this after noon at a roadside stand these

two tomatoes and two peaches not grown here cost $5. Was actually 5 10 and I got to slide on the dime. They taste pretty good but I don't know about $5 worth.

Note-the peaches are sweet the tomato I tried is mediocre at best.


  1. paid $6.00 for two pounders and they tasted great nothing like big ole late August tomoatoes

    did I do a Quayle and add an uneeded E?

    Hey, what about those bedknives?

  2. Nothing taste like it did. Meat,cheese,fruit,not a damn thing.
    But you have to pay through the ass to be disappointed.

  3. I answered that in the thread Russ.

    Yuk yuk Timmy!

  4. I'm growing my own tomatoes, and they are delicious. I bought peaches from a roadside stand and before they softened up they molded. This means they were shipped in frozen. So much for buying fresh at a roadside stand.
