
Good Morning All

Civic duty was just that and I was not called but it took most of the morning so it was pretty much a lost day combined with heavy rain in the early afternoon.

In addition my computer shit the bed and it's back but much was lost and it will take some time to rebuild my favorites list and music as well. So I am behind big time and eventually will get back in the groove of things so to speak. The same with the picture blog as there has not been a post there in a week. Hopefully uploading pictures will work better now as before there was like a 50-60% success rate in doing so and it took forever and was a pain in the butt.



  1. Good Morning to you!

    My computer is giving me fits lately. Its almost 5 yrs old and thedaughter thinks it's time for a new one but, alas, I can't really afford a new one just yet. So I'll keep having fits!

    Have a great weekend OneFly!

  2. I cured most of my problems by switching to Ubuntu. I've been with it for 5 years now, and I couldn't be happier.

  3. Mine went 5 years as well without hiccup and then went to hell. It's fine now and have so much memory. It's just that I have to start from scrarch with a lot of stuff. I do have an external hard drive but it was not backing up my documents -at least I've not found them yet. I was told I didn't need a new one and it wasn't that bad to get it up to date. It's very quick now even fasrer than before. Have fun this weekend as well Sue.

    JR-I went and looked at Ubuntu and wonder what it is you like the best about that.

  4. I'm glad you have something that loads the pics well. They are so good!

  5. Agree with nunya there. Damn, life is twisty sometimes. At least I can count on the photos being back.

  6. Thanks Nunya and PCat! I did get a post up on the picture place just now-nothing real special but the pictures did upload every time. I lost my HTML code to turn


    into a link to that. I will get this short film made of the Rock Art I saw last weekend soon I hope.

    So good to hear from you PCat!
