
Nothing Gonna Happen

It's so nice out that there's not going to be any sticking around doing house and blogging stuff. I'm going for a ride and it's going to involve a vehicle, water and a fly rod plus a camera.

I did get a post up this morning at the picture place. Nothing too special but there's a couple nice ones.

Puter is working good-didn't loose my documents or music like I thought but somethings were. It's fast! Much more so than the operator.

Later-have a good one!!


  1. All right have a ball Tom. Question: I think you said you went to Curt Gowdy SP, did you ever go to the back of the little lake and walk down to the dry river bed. There is a little treasure there in an old mine and maybe you can still see my name.

  2. I could have fed myself today TC. The Colorado was dirty aso went to a stream and it was perfect but they weren't doing it. May go back tomorrow.

    No Jim I've not been there but if I do and find this thing are you saying my working days will be over????

  3. Dude, have fun. see ya when we see ya
