
New Poster In This Cornfield

FYI-recently I invited a fellow blogger to OTC. That offer was accepted and the blogger is someone you may know. Mr. Holte Ender is the man. His site is Now Listen Here and he also contributes as I do at MMA.

Why? Well for a couple of reasons one of which is that I like his passion about issues of the day and another is that he's now a bud of mine.

There is a post from him below this and it's understood he's welcome to post more or not it remains up to him. He is a fart smucker and if and when he comes by again we'll all be better off.

Welcome Mr. Ender!!


  1. That's a good thing. I think more of us should team up. The bigger the better know matter what she says;)

  2. I am just a little leery when a quality mom-n-pop blog sells out to a big box blogger. I will remain skeptical.

  3. My bad, i failed to indicate that my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek.

  4. I see. You're one of my go to guys as well ya know there ya see!

  5. An excellent addition. Welcome Holte.

  6. My bad, I goofed. Welcome Mr. Ender, you can never post too many fabulous photos for me One Fly :)
