
Thanks for the invite One Fly

When the best photographer west of the Mississippi asks you to stop by and write a paragraph or two on his blog, you don't say no. When the most adventurous old geezer in the Rockies says "no pressure, any time you want" you don't say no.

So, I will be leaving my footprints here from time to time. Thanks for asking Fly.


  1. what a great picture, very fitting!

  2. Your pictures leave me perplexed. You're very good at taking shots.

  3. Like the pic, Holte, even if it is a little corny. ;-)

  4. First let's understand that Mr. Ender is being way too gracious but it is nice to have things like that said about you. A VERY BIG thank you for that.

    Now to the appropriate corny foto.

    I wish I could say that were mine but I can't. That's a great picture.

    Again thanks for the great post Holte!!

  5. Look forward to your contributions. Buildin' quite the guest list Tom, good job.

  6. You betcha and basically it's you and him Russ.

    Getting older and not as sharp- need a bit of assistance now and then ya know there.
