
Benny The Rats Ass Wiper Pulls Boner On Purpose

This fellow Cardinal Walter Kasper is a Nazi rat bastard just like his boss. He supposedly is quoted as saying the UK was marked by "a new and aggressive atheism". I say go team UK!

In addition this- "when you land at Heathrow you think at times you have landed in a Third World country".

That isn't all folks - He also criticized British Airways (BA), saying that when you wear a cross on the airline "you are discriminated against".

Yea asshole the UK welcomes diversity and yes there are issues but the system works even with all those different colors of people and languages.

Is the cold shoulder you're feeling because you and the church you work for rape children and people despise the fact you and the rest of your religious buds don't fess up to it? 

You have no respect at all for other human beings one of the basic tenants of your religion. Because of that you become fair game because of your blatant hypocrisy for a man in your position.

You cardinal Kaspar are yourself a piece of human shit the very same you despise.


  1. You cardinal Kaspar are yourself a piece of human shit the very same you despise Amen to that! ;p

  2. I think Dusty summed that up quite well.;)

  3. The Nazi Pope looks like a lizard.Seriously, he's got reptilian features.Can you imagine getting Holy Communion from a guy who literally looks like a lizard?

    Almost like a sign from God, inferring He gave the dude a lizard face so he specifically would NOT be made Pope, and look what happens.

    Hitler Youth, lizard-faced and the Vatican still made him Pope. Astounding.

  4. You kicked his ass better than I did Oso. YES!!
