
Pissed Off In Afghanistan

Not any of us guys that are there but the locals.

Imagine that and the piece makes reference to the Koran but you can bet they were just as pissed before that.

Only Americans will have an issue with that cuz we're there to help and and well you know.

They didn't understand next door in Irak either and bitched and moaned as well but that didn't hinder the cause of the US to bring democracy there as well.

Our country loves the blood and guts way of forcing freedom and democracy down other country's throats.

Who cares what they want? We know what they need and they're gonna get it whether they want it or not ya see there!


  1. Your friend the Pope has made an appeal to Afghani's to cool it and for Religious tolerance though with the cartoons and everything else this put those people over the edge. I'm sure with much instigation and prodding from Al Qaeda the Taliban and other Islamists.

  2. No occupation.
    No insurgency.
    It is not our country.
    They will not allow it to be our colony.
    Many have tried in the past, and got the same result.
    History repeats its self once more.
