
The Mother Of All Mosques

Is in of all places back in the cornfield. In the middle of the United States built in 1934 and situated in and around six churches. And everyone gets along. This is a really good story and worth reading as the monkey from Florida should as well. I see this morning he's reconsidering his barbecue.

This fellow is a RPCV like myself.
 Meet Bill Aossey, 68, a Cedar Rapids businessman — and a Muslim — who can help explain why Iowa is central to the story of American Islam.


  1. Amazing how the concept of live and let live causes prosperity and respect for all.

  2. This was the norm until very recently. Thirty years ago I lived near a defunct private school that was bought by a Sufi group(same sect that wants to do Park 51) for a spiritual center. They have been a welcomed and productive part of the community all these years.

    I have to say that folks in the cornfield confuse me. Cedar Rapids has the "mother mosque" and Iowa selected the first black Miss America contestant and yet they elect clowns like Steve King to Congress. I just can't figure that one out.

  3. The only reason the two faiths arfe not getting along more is the hatred cultivated ny the Republican Party.

  4. Nor I. I think it may have something to do with the area he's from. It's in NE Iowa and there isn't a whole hell of a lot up there and I think that mentality of homesteading and living in such a small world remains similar today.

  5. Without a doubt TC that the biggest reason. They are very good at that.

  6. Fox News, the Opinion Network, does a good job of spreading hatred. Look different, speak another language, or follow a non-fundamentalist religion, and that person becomes a target for Fox News hatred.

  7. Wish I knew how to have my gravatar appear next to my comments. It only seems to work on Wordpress.

  8. I wish I had that answer cats. There are a several profiles I have. It's a pain in the butt and can't combine or seem to get rid of.
