
My Very Short 911 Story

Originally posted on 9/11/08

On that morning seven years ago Bradley came into the shop and told me what happened. I went over to the chump house(pro shop) and watched for a short period of time and said in a very loud voice for the several dozen there to hear clearly "there go our rights" and walked out.

Looking back it seems a bit odd but I just knew. Called my long time PC buddy and we talked about what we had said for years that something like this was bound to happen and it did that morning. This event was not a surprise to us.

Finished out the work day turning the radio on only a couple times for unending speculation that served no purpose. Went fishing for six hours on a beautiful day in the Rockies catching so many it was easy to not think about what was to come.

Sat down in front of the tube at 9 o'clock and watched the nightmare that continues to unfold to this very day.

Today 9/11/10
The nightmare referred to is not as bad but is still there. The major damage has been done and Osama gloats whether he is dead or squatting in a cave.


  1. We should talk about this some day,
    I happen to think there's more to it than meets the eye. Some things just don't add up. Not that I mistrust our Government.

  2. Of course there is Tim but no one gives a shit and DC and everyone there has been told to shut the fuck up or else.

    Check this and the comments too.

  3. Its interesting to hear that others had a similar mindset as I did at that time. I remember the feeling that we would be dragged into a pointless war as well, and I remember the fear of it hitting our mainland. Fortunately, that never happened, but unfortunately the war isn't over yet.

  4. And it won't go away any time soon Zhann.

    Check out Jim's post from today.

