
The Petraeus Needs More

That's right-2000 more.

The stepped-up NATO training effort envisages boosting the size of the Afghan army to 171,600 by October 2011 and the police force to 134,000.

They make it sound like they'll get other country's to contribute cannon fodder to die for nothing but don't expect many takers because other countrys don't love death caused by war like we do. It will be ours that willingly will go because of just that.

So a year from now there will be 305,600 Afghan forces ready to stand up to them Talibans!

That's got to mean after 10 years some must be ready you would think but do not do that. After years in Iraq of the same shit not one of ours "stood down".

I expect nothing except more of the same.


  1. Gee, just like the last guy wanted. Go figure.

    The problem with Afghan forces is that they don't seem to be all that effective. There's a similar problem to Iraq's - a force that's run by a very ineffective and corrupt government isn't likely to be well run, which means it won't be well trained, well disciplined, or well led.

    At least, that's how it typically goes.

  2. Turning the page O.
    Is the same as.
    Stay the course W.

  3. It does just that Cujo. After all these forces are probably going to be trying to kill cousins and even worse.

  4. We'll crack before then. The clock is running, and the speed is picking up.

    I hope that I get to be in the same country as Lincoln's house. I'd like to go back there again without the need for a passport.
