
Not In It

From this weekend something only done one time before and that was the first WM Maker movie I did a long time ago until now. Meaning set to music. Didn't remember this song and there are a couple lame areas that may be taken out later but for now left in because the music is so good and incredibly fitting. At least it seems that way now.

Cross posted @ Fly's Picture Place


  1. Great tune. Fantastic scenery.
    Very mind cleansing.

  2. Glad you got yor mind rght there RZ.

  3. love it.... just friggin love it... i'd love to see more political bloggers do this type of thing like every other week..... i think one of the great things about "our side" (i.e. positive, open-minded, humanistic, neighborly politics) i show much more interesting it is... frankly, i think progpops (progressive populists) flat out live a more rewarding life 9 out 10 times.... i think, and hope, that's because our politics are attached to the realities of life...

    until we change culture we can have little expectation that we'll change society... until we change society we have little chance of making the government OUR civil servant.....

    one struggle,
    --the rev...
    ps (you've really been on fire, recently, man... i've cross posted a few of your posts on facebook... can't tell you how much I appreciate the consistency... )

  4. Thanks OneFly, amazing what has happened in the 6500 years since the Cloud Guy created our home planet. Must be he worked with prototypes for several hundred million years so when he created the current one on the market to big business he had it right with all the ores and oil and stuff ready to be sucked out of the ground at a profit. Only problem I see is where does the future inhabitants move to when they have sucked it dry? All the money in the world cannot replace the solar home we have now. Just sayin'!

  5. Thanks Rev and yesterday there were a bunch of hits coming from BuzzFash. Continue to peck away at your book and you are so correct with this. I will have your video and logo up but I have to finish it first. I can't do it before giving it the complete stamp of approval which it will get but I do have to finish it first. I'm on it-giv'em hell!!

  6. No shit Russ-I look at the new home built around here and the words "passive solar" seem to have gone the way of the dodo bird.
