
Senate Whore Ensign Ripping The Guts Outta The Truth

This piece of shit is out and about attempting to rebuild his image of a lying cheating Repuglican. Of course he has no problems finding takers in addition to money in case he makes that oh so tough decision to run for office again in two years.

This stuff is precious.

He predicted the nation would face a second Great Depression unless Republicans gain control of Congress.

"If we don't turn it around in the next four or five years, we are headed toward economic catastrophe," he told the crowd of 100 supporters Tuesday at ITT Technical Institute.

He spoke for 15 minutes, then fielded questions for half an hour. The federal investigation did not come up.
David Nelson, a curb painter who attended the event, said he wasn't turned off by Ensign's personal troubles.

"Look, when people are struggling to find jobs and stay in their homes, the only thing people are thinking about is how to make the economy better," he said. "They don't care about politicians' personal lives."

Well Davey boy you piece of shit as well. If it were A Dim who had "personal issues" like your Ensign and Vitter types you and your buddies would be all over it like the fly's on shit that you are. 

This human who's name is Ensign does not deserve coverage that implies he's a real good guy and worthy of positive press. But here the worse you are the better you are when you put up a fight defending the low life mother fucker you are - like all the caught repugs do!


  1. Don't you just love the arrogance of the thugs and the stupidity of the slugs who vote for them. We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for the thugs stealing everything not nailed down under Bush.

  2. You're starting to sound like me PM with out the bad language.

    You and I both know I think that it's about accontability and if there had been any we wouldn't be where we are at now.

  3. Two hundred years ago these cretins would have been taken out and shot.

    Many of the bankster gangsters are also on the other side of the aisle.

    Yet the peeps will still ask why, how, did this happen to our wonderful country.

    We deserve the best government that the Corps will allow us to lease.

    Shame on the silent ones.

  4. Plenty of sient ones for sure-like during the chimps reign of death.
