
Cheyenne Nukes Broke Down For A Bit

But not to worry kiddies when it comes to having the possibility of killing bunches of others quickly our country is the leader of the pack in that department ya see.

1/9th of the total number of these weapons were off line for less than an hour. 9x50 = 450. I think someone is trying to shit somebody else as I'd bet there's one hell of a lot more nukes in these states than that.

Update: Wikipedia link
As of 2006, it was believed to maintain an arsenal of around 9,960 intact warheads, of which 5,735 were considered active or operational, and of these only a certain number were deployed at any given time. These broke down into 5,021 "strategic" warheads, 1,050 of which were deployed on land-based missile systems (all on Minuteman ICBMs), 1,955 on bombers (B-52, B-1B, and B-2), and 2,016 on submarines (Ohio class), according to a 2006 report by the Natural Resources Defense Council.[23] Of 500 "tactical" "nonstrategic" weapons, around 100 are Tomahawk cruise missiles and 400 are B61 bombs.

I'm sure there are many who are happy this country's safety was not jeopardized by this interruption.

When it comes to war and killing we always make sure there are plenty of ways to get that job done if obstacles get in the way.

I can not help but to be a constant bitcher when it comes to these things. But it's true we always have more than enough resources to git 'er done when it comes to war if if the mission can't be completed.


  1. Well that could have been interesting..geeez

    Sorry about disappearing...I was sick in the head and body...
    Thanks for everything my friend.

  2. It is really nice to just be able to sit back quietly and let someone else do the bitching for awhile. Thanks, One Fly! P.S. Hey, Uncle Sam--how about .001% of the defense budget for human need?

  3. Thanks guys-you know Jim Joiner used to be stationed up there and I want to drive around out there sometime just to see what's out there. It wasn't that long ago several nuns were convicted of pouring blood on the silos. National security ya know.

    I don't know what you were feeling Tim but if it's a massacre on 11/2 I'll maybe feel the same.
