
I Want One Too Or The Empire Is In Decline

China is kicking our ass the way the Raiders kicked Donkey ass last weekend.

I may be completely wrong here but it seems many of our innovations come in the area of weapons that cost huge amounts of dollars. We are good at that and would never argue that point. As a country we don't have anything close to this and for so long we were the leader of innovation on a variety of things. Long gone for a long time and she ain't coming home.

If what the whore pundits and media says about the election is correct  anyone who votes for these Regressives thinks there's a train gonna come and pick you up in your neighborhood and take you anywhere well---

BTW 14* this morning


  1. Where can I register for language lessons in Chinese?

  2. We'll fall further behind if those teabaggers get into office. VOTE!

  3. http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/01/ff_fasttrack/all/1

  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/28/tianhe-1a-worlds-fastest-computer_n_775220.html?ir=World

  5. Border Explorer:
    Check out Berlitz language schools.

  6. We've become fat cats. Innovation comes from the hungry.

  7. China has 20% of it population now ranked in the middle class.
    In ten years it will be 40% that will be in the middle class.
    They are building their own consumer base and an Asian consumer base.
    This way they will be less dependent on our non existent consumer base.
    We are entering the China Century.
    Chimerika R U.S.

  8. We need them as they sure as hell don't need us.

    What the hell do I know. 2.4 bil released today on top of the 8bil prior for our high speed. Put that up tomorrow.
