
Hell No There Wasn't Going To Be An Indictment

I may be wrong but I think no Blackwater employee has ever been convicted of killing innocents in Iraq. Remember this one?

A former security contractor for Blackwater will not be indicted in the killing of an Iraqi guard in 2006, federal prosecutors said Monday. No shit!

That was the deal with the evil bush family because all involved over there knew they would never be held accountable.

Drunk as a fucking skunk he acted in "self defense". That's not the way I remember it and I'll take that over this piece of shit article where now we're supposed to feel bad for this murderer as-

it's "impossible to describe" what it's been like for Moonen to spend the past four years facing the possibility of being indicted.

My ass! He killed an Iraqi guarding the Green Zone inside the compound.

He was flown out of the country the next day to my recollection.

This happened xmas eve 2006. In 2009 a bunch of investigators went over to investigate. Over two years after the fact. High priority I'm sure. Just not enough evidence ya see there ya know!

It has gotten no better since then but only worse. If anyone thinks that accountability is going to be served at the table you are living a delusion.



  1. Xe has something on our government.
    Not the other way around.
    They know where the skeletons are hidden.
    If there ever is an Xe whistle blower it will make the Pentagon Papers look like confetti.

  2. I thought that they would throw some low level merc to the wolves to protect the high command. I guess I was wrong.

  3. He'll be killed RZ and they know they have nothing to fear Mont. It really is a given.
