
Weber State Has What??

I have a bit of skepticism with this because up to now none of these craft have performed very well at all. Something like automobiles in the early years.

The reason this was started was to provide the military with less expensive drone targets. One does not need an engineering degree to make the determination that seven HP is not going to lift much at all. They say they've tested it at Bonneville and the Army is helping.

That's all real special but with no pictures or video my money says they have a very long road to travel before they get to where they think they are going.

My bet this thing doesn't get more than 6" off the ground.

1 comment:

  1. how lovely to see our government encouraging the next generation of killing machines... oh and look, they're using the kids.... its got a certain kafka on meth charm

    i wonder if there's anything the military WONT spend money on (besides peace)

    one love, one struggle,
    --reverend manny
