
He's Back And Alive

Apparently our government and various intelligence agency's believe Bin Laden is alive and assisting in terror plots.

It's all a bunch of bull shit as there is plenty of anonymity involved with these sources as usual but there must be a bit and repeat a bit of truth to what was said.

Never the less if this is the belief for some of our cloak and dagger people why in the hell aren't we getting after this slug after over nine years.

Do I need to start feeling afraid.


  1. Supposedly he sent a message that the government is not taking care of the people affected by the floods spending the money on war instead and the people should revolt as Al Qaeda is on their side.

    He is probably dead! Anyone can say they are him and dead or alive he is alive. I would have to see him period!

  2. OBL left the building along side Elvis long ago.
    Now they are looking for an encore act.
    The fear card worked for W.
    It will work for O also.
    American society has chosen security over freedom.

  3. Dam you RZ you stole my thunder.

  4. I put this up cuz this shit pisses me off-that this man has never been dealt with and it's like he never existed for the most part.

    I forgot daddy bush was at a meeting with his half brother when it happened. Then the next day a 120 some bin ladiens got flown outta here from all over the country courtesy of the criminal bush bastards/.

    sonsofbitches all of 'em!

  5. Glad to have back and posting again.

  6. If you and your readers are not familiar with this book. IMHO this book is a must read.
    I got it when it first came out.
    Check out the home page also.

    This shit goes far, and deep.
    And people wonder why I am a Truther. LOL


  7. RZ-OBL left the building with Elvis-ROFLMAO!
