
Stay Away From The Border

The story linked to below is sad and violent but also very interesting.

There was a dispute over this lake that straddles the border and warnings issued to stay away that were not heeded. I understand the curiosity this man had but dammit anyway you just can't ignore shit like this in these times down there.


  1. One Fly,
    I followed the article, thinking it was some kind of Fox thing.When it mentioned "Zetitas", little Z's, it kinda rang true. Crime is horrible throughout Mexico for so many reasons. Even though Fox types will likely make this a political issue, we can't ignore the suffering of this poor couple who intended nobody harm.
    Good post man, glad you're back unscathed and didn't opt for the "fall off a cliff" route in you journey!

  2. Thanks for the kind thought Oso! Been back two days and all I can think about is that I want to be back in the desert. It's 10 and I have to go do something and it doesn't seem right to drive a bunch of miles. The conservative side showing I guess.

  3. What a harrowing experience. But I do wonder what these two were thinking about by disregarding all the warnings! Having said that, which I realize sounds callous, I don't understand why the Mexican government doesn't put all their resources into declaring war on these criminals.

  4. Is suppose it's similar to those who take it to the limit in various ways and perish. Then we're supposed to feel sorry and if we're not we become instant assholes. Many times these people are parents as well. Personally in this case I would have stayed away but I understand why he felt he could get buy with it. Quite a story.
