
Just Like A Spoiled Little Pissant Brat

They're gonna show everybody a thing or two! That will teach everybody not to be asking no questions ya see there.

I could not read this whole thing.  This piece of shit and the whore chamber can say and spend whatever they want because it's not against the law.

Then blame it on Bama as that works real good. Spoke with a friend who is educated but thinks the state of the economy lays at Bama's feet. This mentality becomes increasingly hard to swallow.

Thanks so much you pussy dims for not taking a stand for what's right and fighting for us starting way back in 2003 when even a fucking idiot with a palm full of brain matter knew these bastard bushes were lying to everyone.


  1. they fucking bought this election... and the fucking pussdims are fucking whackoffs for not doing enough in their 2 years... pussies

  2. Rushpubliscums, as always, are eager to whore out the country to the richest buyer, even if that buyer owes his allegiance to the Commies of China.

    Rushpubliscums are patriots like I'm a religious zealot.
