
Mormon Church Owned Paper Absolves Themselves

Sure is handy to be able to do that. Kinda like the poop led catholics. Where your sin card runs out and you get it renewed by kneeling in front of a possible pedophile to get it updated for another run of debauchery.

In this case it's very similar.

Yea like these whores didn't enter the political arena when they poured millions into California to defeat the horde of gays and lesbians wanting to tear down the fabric of California's society.

Deseret Whore  News where the religiously insane can cry out they did no wrong even though they are the biggest bigots in the country or at least near the top of the list of intolerant douche bags.


  1. if they can't take the heat they oughta get out of the kitchen...

  2. God Dammit, we really hoping 'merican's have a short memory and? they do...
