
May This Prayer Be Fulfilled

Along with the baggers the religious side of same mentality is just as strong. Back in the cornfield there are these preachers actively participating in the ouster of state supreme justices who ruled in favor of same sex marriages in Iowa. They are so blatant in their participation that the crazy bastard below is wishing a case will go before the Supreme Court. Please let it happen even with the current makeup of the court.

Then you have another crazy bastard that feels he's on a mission from whatever! Check this out.

Others, such as Jeff Mullen, senior pastor of Point of Grace Church in Waukee, are urging Iowa pastors to communicate to their congregations the "biblical mandate for involvement in local and national elections."

American Taliban bigger and better than all the rest. Straight outta the cornfield to your door. These bastards are pure fucking nuts and anyone who thinks they want to live under the dogma these grease balls want for everyone is even more fucking nuts.


The link to the article if you dare to enter the world of 100% pure bat shit crazy.


  1. Where are the lightning bolts when you need them? With all the bat shit crazy bozos in the world, why do the bolts always hit some innocent person?

  2. Just found your site - looks like a lot of fun.


  3. Why would he feel the need to pray for the IRS to cite him? The IRS is capable of doing it all on their own.

  4. I can only hope that he gets his wish.

  5. No shit Mont! It's like when a catastrophe hits big or small the belivers thank an invisible nobody for whatever was saved even though the bad that happened came from the same nobody. How stupid is that.

  6. Oh, the hypocrisy.

    BTW, the IRS is God and Satan all rolled into one, and Rev. Gordon here is going to find out that they are completely capable of making his life a living hell. Popcorn anyone?

  7. Thanks Andy-I'm on my way over to your place.

  8. That's true Spanish I but these people and not just the believers want confrontation as they think it will further their cause. In this case they can scream and the whore media will listen and allow them to tell lie after lie even though it is very clear on the rules for churches and what happens if you participate in politics.

    There are reasons for this and I happen to agree with keeping this religious bullshit out of politics and it's time these institutions pay a price for their mind fuckery.

  9. Something definitly has to happen to shut these fuckers up. Churches need to stay OUT OF POLITICS, but they won't. They want this country ruled by Christians for Christians and nothing but Christians!
