
Denver Takes A Stand Against Bigotry

This may or may not be a the best law but it's a start and it at least will give many and not just Mexicans the hope and a feeling that they will not be arrested and sent back to wherever. To have this hanging over your head must be a real bitch.

What gets me is in this paper when there is an article such as this or just about anything that concerns people or ideas from the left the comments are all so negative.

And it's not just here. The mood of this country is one of hate and intolerance of any kind and it's growing stronger and is shared by Repuglicans in congress. If you think this bill is going to be passed you will be wrong. No way will the racists in DC do so and after all its from the dims so there ya go.


  1. Three cheers for the Denver City Council!

  2. Yup you have that but then there's
    this! Really disgusting.

  3. And then there's Tom Tancredo. What's he up to these days?

  4. Unsure FG but when the time is right he will be given the podium as usual.
