
We Don't Need No WikiLeaks

To tell us what about Afghanistan that we can't figure out for ourselves.

Like the Afghanny Puliceman who is on our side that up and blows away six of our guys.

Give me a fucking break here-who is it that is going to get punished  for this? I can tell you that it's you and me. More war more bullets and less of what we need here.

Now bama's boys are shutting websites down over the fact they don't want our "friends" around the world to know what we really think of them and do to them.

Just wait for what's coming down the tube and I don't think we gotta wait for the repugs to take total control in '012 to find out.



  1. You're a wise man One Fly. Id there anything anymore that doesn't endanger lives and embolden our enemies?

  2. And so it begins.

    I would not be surprised if my site evaporates into cyber space.

    Could they use wikileaks as a justification to control [close] the internet?

  3. HAM radios might come back into vogue [necessity] in order to communicate.

  4. Not much Truth and it's just that that they are afraid of. If it doesn't happen now RZ it will happen to all of ours eventually. I've come to the conclusion that there are so few of us that think this way they find us not much of a threat. Repugs are different because they want no one to think for themselves or question-just to follow in blind stupidity waving that fucking flag the whole time.

    The truth of the matter is My Lord is that it's not that I am wise it because we're all older than most and you just figure it out after a while. What I figured out a long time ago is that I'm sick and fucking tired of this country fucking up the works of other country's and our own so our corporations can benefit.

    People in the bush around the globe are more aware than most of the simpleton cocksuckers that live here.
