
Give It Up Charlie

Are you stupid or what? I guess stupid. It's been written about before here and now again. Walking out of your own hearing because you didn't get your way crying about having already spent 2mil on a lawyer and that now you don't have one and you're broke. Apparently you do not realize how bad this makes you look.

It makes us all look bad and gives the Nazi bastards with the Big Whore Media justifiable fodder to spread their nonsense about the left. You've done so much good but you did bad as well the way I understand it. Not as bad as many repugs and I don't care if you're on my side you will never get a pass Charlie --- never from me.

Take you medicine like the man you are and be done with it. You're only going to get slapped a wee little bit. People with think more of you if you do the right thing instead of acting like a goddamn piece of shit lying ass Repuglican. It is just that simple.


  1. Look Onefly, you do not understand. He is entitled to be there just like the rest and who are they? that can stand and accuse? well who? they are all corrupted by campaign cash whoring.

    They get the pleasure and we get fucked.

    exesstential sex maybe, although I never felt the pleasure.

  2. Term limits..
    A once viable man is reduced to this.
    A pussy...
