
Wag What?

From a post at Reality Zone a comment has turned into a post. A short video on the ongoing attempts to slow down or stop the encroachment of the Sahara further south. My comment corrects a mispronunciation and tells a short story about two of the primary cities in Burkina-Faso.The video is from ViewChange.org.

Efforts to stop or slow the encroachment of the Sahara into the Sahel has been going on for decades. Similar plans and the same rhetoric. It's so important they are successful but up to now they have not been and I'm sure climate change has been the problem child in these efforts.

A correction about the pronunciation of the capitol of what was formerly Upper Volta. Very interesting name. Ouagadougou is pronounced Wagadugu or if you've been around for a while just Waga.

In the late 70's took RAN (Railroad Abidjan Niamey) from Waga down to Bobo which is the former provincial capitol. Bobo was short for Bobo-Dioulasso the last part pronounced dealasso. Long e and two short a's.

Both of these names are way too cool and Bobo was a special place for me. When you're a white boy and have a bit of money one of the poorest places on the planet can be good for you. I ate better during those 10 days or so than I did down in Ghana. Mostly Muslim but it was easy finding a cold beer. The French are good about that.

Had not planned on staying that long and when leaving met two other PC buds just getting off the train after traveling in Mali and seeing the Dogon's. Ended up staying another week It was fun but tough travel. The train was the best. In fact it was damn nice! Something we could use here.

The good times.

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