
Gopers Going To Stop Palin

Once again there are articles around today about how the goper's want to stop the Palin "juggernaut". This is pure freshly shat bullshit and please do not pay one bit of attention except to call it out for what it is.

It is a ploy like all the rest from Big Whore Media to make the repuglicans out to be something other than this contrived candidate with no credentials. It's that simple folks and don't fall for it. The stupids will and that's who they are after.

This has been said here before that by the appearance from the gopers that they want to distance themselves from this woman and the baggers they become legitimate and their non ideas/plans all of a sudden like have credibility where there's not a drop of anything close to that.

And what's even more simple is the gop is Palin and the baggers. Never once did this party of obstructionists object to this women since Obama was elected. This idiot was the VP candidate from this party of slugs who now say no we don't want her.

Like most everything else people - what comes out of the mouths of the gop is as the norm nothing but an outright lie!

Of course the dims let these gopers get by with it.


  1. I completely agree One Fly.She's one of their stars and they'll ride her till she drops. My cynical mind views any Repub protestations as CYA kind of stuff if/when she implodes.

    By the way I really appreciate you having my back, sometimes I figuratively go off the reservation and piss people off. I'm so tired of hearing "The Republicans are so much worse".I know they're worse but it gives the Dems the chance to pocket more lobbyist $ and avoid credible legislation as long as they know no matter how often they kick us in the nuts we'll keep voting Democrat.

  2. That was funny! I think she's been dropped a few times before actually. Also agree with you as well. It just that you can not - repeat - one can not trust these people and it's a good idea for our side too.

    We'll have a half ass decent idea long about 9 0r 10PM tomorrow night Oso of whether we are truly fucked or dodged a bullet to remain just fucked or something like that.

    If the result is big for the right that's where we will stay as a society and it will become much worse very quickly. This is a very important election and may very well be the most telling of any in recent history.

    I think I will post on this but I'm looking for a Truman moment.

