
A Real Horror - Not Last Night's Kiddie Games

UPDATE 11/1/10 Make that number 50 Americans killed in October

What was never spoken about from either side of the fence while chasing the votes on the campaign trail to serve this great country's war machine while fucking the little guy.

And if you do serve our country by being elected that's just what you are doing - administering to a budget where half of it goes to the military.  Sick shit and none of you whores for the most part spoke strongly enough against the war machine.

There is a life time of horror for the families of the 49 soldiers killed last month in Afghanistan but it's just so inconvenient to speak of those who died when you're after the corporations money who profit from us being in a perpetual state of war.

We love our blood and guts way too much to give any of that up ya know.

To the families who lost loved ones I am truly sorry for your loss.

Coalition Military Fatalities By Year and Month

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 4 12
2002 10 12 9 5 1 3 0 1 1 5 1 1 49
2003 4 7 12 2 1 3 2 4 2 4 6 1 48
2004 9 2 3 3 8 5 2 3 4 5 7 1 52
2005 2 1 6 18 4 27 2 15 11 7 3 3 99
2006 1 17 7 1 11 18 9 10 6 10 7 1 98
2007 0 14 5 8 11 12 14 18 8 10 11 6 117
2008 7 1 8 5 17 28 20 22 27 16 1 3 155
2009 15 15 13 6 12 25 45 51 40 59 18 18 317
2010 30 31 26 20 34 60 65 55 42 49 0 0 412


  1. And David Broder is positively salivating about war with Iran!

  2. Exactly FG and if and I'll be the optimistic one here and do a double -and if the repugs win big tomorrow war will be unleashed other places besides Iran. That will be what happens!

  3. Yeah, three wars may not be enough.

  4. Great post brother.
    No talk on MSM about the endless wars or the deaths.
    Winter is coming to Afghanica.
    The landscape will look quite different come the spring. And I am not talking about the snow.
    I am expecting another incident from Yemen in short order. Reports are already coming out that CIA hit squads should be sent there. [If they are not there already.].
    Drones R U.S. will be given the green light. Obama will be "forced" to enter Yemen and find all those A/Q.

  5. The election is damn near here RZ. Going to look at your Yemen post and admit I don't know shit about the dynamics there and don't claim to. I do know now more about Hanj paper than the country of Yeman. You and Joiner are my go to boys on this area.

  6. Check in here every once in a while.
    These guys have great info on the endless wars.


    Hanji paper etc. is part of my home work. As you know my plans for S/Korea are now front and center.
    2-3 years I will be blogging from there. I will not die in this country. I have given enough.
