
Oscar Arias Is A Wise Man

We will never see one of our elected leaders speak like this-never.

Another bit of reality speaking about our military budget-
"Cut it 5 percent, 10 percent, as much as you can. I'd be happy if it doesn't increase, because who are your enemies? Well, you have enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq. So, then, make more friends instead of fighting your couple of enemies."

The best of all-
"Our world is certainly dangerous, but it is made more dangerous, not less, by those who value profits over peace," he said.

Soon people who speak like this especially them brown skinned feraners can expect to run outta town on a rail. They need to understand here in Amerika we love our wars and will fight to see that we get them! 


  1. And to think that Costa Rica has the happiest people with the smallest environmental footprint. Hope you got to hear him speak.

    I like the link to the "Farm Subsidies". There are many farmers in PA that are getting money back to grow crap crops.

  2. Hi Cat's - no I didn't see him and I hope the kids took plenty away from hearing and maybe meeting him.

    It's amazing what some of these guys bring in on a yearly basis. They still voted tbag because they know the repugs will not take this away as dirt farmers are their base in the midwest.

  3. So, then, make more friends instead of fighting your couple of enemies.

    Good heavens, the man's a lunatic! You can't make friends with people who aren't like you. The best you can hope to do is bomb them as extravagantly and loudly as possible.

  4. Wow I wish our Politicians were as wise.

  5. bomb we will and stupid they are
