
Outta Here

Doing a road trip north a ways into Wyoming then east through South Dakota and Nebraska and eventually arriving in the cornfield using primarily secondary roads. All these years have taken my time off during late fall and winter and hated it. That will be coming to an end soon I hope as this time of year it's so bland out but we're always looking for picture's. I'd like to be in the desert but want to make this trip and it's dead shit center of red amerika.

Will be in and out so there are some of the best bloggers out there in the blog roll. We've been right all along not the others guys who are supposed to be on our side as well. Check' em out.

It may be very late fall and a bit bland looking but the weather has been and will stay beautiful. It's like a perpetual movie driving down the road for me no matter where it's at and that movie is going to start in 10 minutes. 

Have a fun and safe weekend everyone and don't use the four letter word that starts with s.

Giv'em hell!


  1. Have a great time. I know plenty of pics are in your future. We all benefit from those.
    Safe trip

  2. Drive safe. We'll be headed the opposite way next week. Hey, that Farm Subsidy Data Base is really packed with lots of info. Thanks for that link.

  3. Been gone two days and I'm half way there. Glanced at the pictures last night and they don't look too good at all. I wonder how many who get these funds vote for less government. It's most repugs getting it so that's okay I suppose. Thanks!

  4. Fly, you ever read William Least Heat Moon's book BLUE HIGHWAYS?

  5. No Mr. N but I will check it out.
