
Wounded Knee

Wanted to touch base for just a bit. Pretty uneventful.

The bad header picture is the burial site at Wounded Knee. It's run down. Depressing like other things here.

Crazy Horse was killed here and the building is a replica.

I respect that Ann I really do and think I understand at least a little bit.

Drive on driver.

Have a good one. Very warm the last two days.


  1. Take heart that you are seeing more of this country and it's history than 95% of the rest of the population will ever get to do again.
    Even if they wanted to.

    Have a good time my friend.
    I got lucky and got to see a great deal of this nation in my time. All but the Islands, Alaska and the North East.

    I ain't dead yet either.

  2. Wind-swept desolation. Interesting, none-the-less.

  3. Ever read bury my heart as wounded knee? That really is depressing.

  4. Thanks Busted I do enjoy this and chances are low I will ever get back this way again.

    The wind wasn't blowing Leslie and I very much enjoyed the drive through the southern part of South Dakota and you are correct by the way.

    I have Jim and the condition of this site is a direct reflection of the plight and attitude of Native Americans.

  5. Interesting shape of the memorial on the site where Crazy Horse was killed!

  6. What a sad chapter in US history. It seemed better tended when I last saw it 40 years ago.

  7. I've never seen that Duta but it's years out when this will be completed.

    Before the siege TC. Bad shape for sure. Had a fellow come up and hit me for some money and he brought up that period. These Native Americans continue to battle.
