
Sky Events And The Ancient Ones

On this Sunday when most of this country attends some type of religious service we'll go where none of them has ever been. The picture below is the courtesy of Coyote Prime and the photo from here.

This will be short and since no one really knows this opinion has as much merit as any one else out there.

Take a look at the top picture and then the two directly below. In the two rock art photos whoever it was that made similar looking spirals witnessed a sky event like seen in the top picture.

This event was very close or so huge that it was easily seen by the naked eye or something along those lines.

I think the last one is perhaps the most dramatic.

Remember how clicking on the pictures twice makes them larger.

These ancient people depicted onto the rocks literally what they saw or experienced.


  1. Very interesting, those drawings on the rocks!
    It seems that there's nothing new coming from the sky.

  2. Any one who believes that we are alone is a fool.

  3. You might like this article and comments Duta. Link
